The Ohio Educational Technology Conference (OETC) is the country’s premier P-20 state educational technology conference. This year, OETC takes place Feb. 14-16 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. OETC features intensive pre-conference workshops on Feb. 14, and world-renowned keynote speakers, more than 200 educational sessions, an extensive exhibit hall and interactive experiences such as makerspaces and robotics on Feb. 15-16.


We all know it’s not always the case that an event, a movie, even a meal lives up to the preceding hype. The Ohio Educational Technology Conference (OETC)(link sends e-mail) is one of the rare exceptions. According to its website, OETC is “the premier P-20 state educational technology conference,” and guess what? It actually is.

OETC logo

There is no denying the extreme impact technology is having on our nation’s education system. A growing number of schools leverage the latest advancements in technology to create innovative and adaptable learning environments for their students. Ohio’s students, as a result of this trend, are well equipped with the technological literacy needed to enter the 21st century workforce. 

Digital Learning Day logo

You might wonder, “What is Digital Learning?” According to Ohio Senate Bill 316, “Digital learning, means learning facilitated by technology that gives students some element of control over time, place, path or pace of learning.” Digital learning encompasses the effective use of technology to empower teachers and students. Digital Learning Day (DLD) allows schools a set time to discuss and share ways to provide every child the opportunity to learn in a robust digital environment every day, with the goal of success in college and a career. It is a day to celebrate and empower teachers, showcase innovative usages of technology and share resources.

Scenes from OETC conference

Transition and change can be a good thing; this year I will call it evolution. The Ohio Educational Technology Conference (OETC 2014), formerly known as the e-TECH Conference, is emerging as the nation’s top conference for educational technology. Changes this year included the addition of higher ed, greater emphasis on emerging technology and gaming, sessions targeted to instruct rather than just be informative, and changing the design and flow to increase visibility of speakers, sessions and vendors. All these things led to the largest Ohio ed-tech gathering to date.