
John Burke

John Burke, library director of the Gardner-Harvey Library at Miami University Middletown, began his career just as online catalogs and periodical databases were becoming widespread and the nascent Internet was gaining interest.

His interest in this technology drew him to the field – as well as led him to help others keep up with the ever-changing field as the author of a technology textbook.

OhioLINK recently talked with Burke about working at a regional campus, changes in technology and their impact on librarianship over the past two decades

College of Wooster, Timkin Science Library

Julia Chance Gustafson has been at the forefront of major changes in librarianship since arriving at the College of Wooster on Feb. 1, 1982.

Currently a research and outreach librarian, Julia started her career as a reference librarian, with responsibilities for coordinating the College of Wooster’s library instruction program. Since then, Julia worked as an electronic services librarian and access services librarian.

College of Wooster Librarian’s Passion for Professional Development Makes Her a Vanguard of Librarianship Changes

Julia Chance Gustafson
Editor’s note: This column showcases the extraordinary talent and leadership of the librarians and staff at OhioLINK’s member institutions. If you have suggestions for a library staff member who should be featured in this series, please email Meghan Frazer at (link sends e-mail).
Julia Chance Gustafson has been at the forefront of major changes in librarianship since arriving at the College of Wooster on Feb. 1, 1982.