Mitch Wilson is the eStudent Services’ program coordinator. He holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology from The Ohio State University and a teaching license from Ashland University’s Bachelor’s Plus program.
Mitch has an extensive IT background and worked as a systems analyst for Aetna before joining eStudent Services.
Mitch recently talked with eStudent Services about his professional responsibilities, his inherited Coca-Cola collection and his personal role models.
How long have you been with eStudent Services? I joined eSS in May 2013.
What are your responsibilities as the program coordinator at eStudent Services? I assist in managing the tutors of eTutoring and the students’ questions, the daily operations of eTutoring, webinar hosting design and editing, data analysis and school communications.
What led you to a position in higher education services? This organization is known for its role in technology within education. The opportunity to grow inside the organization and experience the new technologies drew me to it after obtaining my educator’s licensure.
Why do you feel eTutoring is such an important tool for high school/undergraduate students? The opportunity to have a true professional on a given subject provide an honest opinion outside of the constructs of that student’s school is invaluable. They can provide viewpoints, insights and resources that might not be known on that particular campus.
What’s something about yourself that might surprise people? A large portion of my family is from Guam.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Playing with my daughters, writing, thinking up new concepts and ideas and planning how to spend my future lottery winnings, even though I never play.
Do you have something that you collect? I inherited a collection of Coca-Cola products that my dad collected before he passed. I still keep an eye out for things to add to it when the opportunity presents itself.
Do you have a role model? If so, who is it and why? I have two role models. The first is Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Motors, for his ability to turn dreams into reality. The second is Sir Ken Robinson. His Ted Talk “Do schools kill creativity?” inspired me to learn more about him and gain a certain amount of respect for his work in the development of creativity and innovation through education.