More Than 36K Ohio Students Must Retake OGT (Mansfield News Journal) – The Ohio Department of Education released results last week that indicated that 7 in 10 students passed all 5 sections of the OGT, but roughly 36,500 students will need to retake at least one part of the test.
New Teaching Approach Touted for Engineering Education (R&D) – Researchers at Purdue University are recommending the use of their interactive learning system called the Purdue Mechanics Freeform Classroom, which has significantly reduced the rates of low scores and withdrawals from the course.
Ohio Lawmakers OK Revised Teacher Evaluation Rules (Akron Legal News) – Ohio Legislature has approved of a bill that will reduce the evaluation requirements for highly rated school teachers, in the interest of saving time and resources.
Thanks To 3D Printing, The Visually Impaired Can Have A Braille Mobile Phone (Singularity Hub) – OwnFone, a British startup company, is using 3D printers to create braille phones that are specifically designed for the visually impaired.
UN Unveils Big Data Climate Change Challenge (Information Week) – The United Nations is hosting a global competition to encourage countries and companies to use big data to look for answers to problems related to climate change, and promote awareness and evidence for climate change issues.