Airbus expects $234 billion in new orders (Dayton Business Journal) The significant boost in new orders for Airbus could have a big impact on Dayton-area manufacturers and those throughout Ohio. Regional leaders have additional plans for increasing Airbus’s impact on the state economy.
Big data equals big bucks in Ohio (The Dayton Daily News) Data-driven marketing now accounts for about 3.3 percent of Ohio's gross domestic product, or $5 billion in revenue. The growing industry employs 22,000 people in the state, but some are fearful of privacy concerns resulting from the sharing of data between marketing companies.
Case Western Reserve University professor creating free online course for entrepreneurs ( A Case Western Reserve University professor received a $69,000 grant to help develop a free online course on how communities can support and grow new companies – with a focus on Northeast Ohio.
Government Shutdown Aside, Sequester Cuts Potentially Devastating (The Ohio State University) An economist at The Ohio State University warns that budget impacts from the sequester have forced government agencies to stop collecting important local level data. If the data does not continued to be collected, researchers will have large gaps in their data and small businesses will not be able to compete against large companies who can afford their own research teams.
Over 50% of internet users are mobile-only (The Economic Times) In India it is believed that over 50% of internet users access the service primarily through their mobile device. As the technology has grown, who earns revenue and at what points it is earned has changed. Continuing to watch the growth of this market will be important not only for marketers, but for businesses and governments trying to increase accessibility to their information.
Shutdown Signals Serious Hit for SGI (HPC Wire) The federal government shutdown impacts businesses contracted for work with the government. In the case of SGI, they may lose 10% of their annual revenue because of the shutdown. The lost time in research and development caused by the shutdown will affect all fields of research.
Traditional Education Beats Online in Key Areas, Opinion Poll Finds (The Chronicle of Higher Education) A recent Gallop poll shows that although 5% of the U.S. population has taken an online course and 20% of college students have been enrolled in one, most Americans do not value an online education nearly as highly as one from a traditional institution.