Major League Baseball, Adult Education, The NSF & More

Associate Vice President for Policy, OSU/OH-TECH
Ohio Technology Consortium
Friday, March 21, 2014 - 10:36am

Race to Top Reports Detail Winners' Progress, Challenges (Education Week) – The annual report on the Race to the Top winners has been released, and despite some struggles the Education Dept. is confident that the grants will pay off in the years to come.


Game on (The Economist) – According to Cray, a Major League Baseball team has recently purchased a Cray supercomputer system. This makes the undisclosed team one of a growing number of early adapters of supercomputers to be used for none research purposes.


Portsmouth Teachers get STEM Training thanks to Raytheon (Portsmouth Patch) – Raytheon has granted $2 million to help train teachers across the country in a STEM curriculum program that was developed by the Museum of Science in Boston along with the National Science Foundation.


State looking to boost adult education (Dayton Daily News) – With over 1 million Ohioans over the age of 18 without a high school diploma, the state is looking to help more adults earn their GEDs. Part of the issue stems from the increased cost and tougher standards that were put in place to match the Common Core standards.


IBM's Watson Joins 'Genomic Medicine' Effort (Industry Week) – IBM will be teaming with the New York Genome Center to use the Watson supercomputer to help develop specialized treatments based on a patients genetics.