Budget proposal contains funds for training center (vindy.com) – Gov. Kasich’s proposed capital budget includes two investments to be made relating to the growing shale gas industry including money for Eastern Gateway Community College to establish an oil and gas training facility.
Study: Recent veterans are succeeding in college (USA Today) – A new study of recent veterans has found that many vets are taking advantage of their GI Bills to obtain higher education, with a relatively high degree of success.
NSF creates industry electrochemical research center at Ohio Univ. (R&D Mag) – Ohio University has earned a NSF award to create a new private/public research center in conjunction with Washington University – St. Louis. The center will focus on improving electrochemical production processes.
Less lecturing, more doing: New approach for A.P. classes (Education Week) – A group of teachers are testing a new method for teaching A.P. classes centered on project based learning rather than strict lecturing and memorization.