Ohio thinks big to help researchers commercialize new technology
Huffington Post, Dec. 3, 2015
While Ohio in 2015 looks more like the Bay Area in the 1970s than today's Silicon Valley, it definitely has its own treasure trove of strong educational and research institutions…
Toledo's rate of broadband lower than U.S. average
The Blade, Dec. 8, 2015
Three-quarters of all U.S. households had a broadband Internet connection in 2014, but metro Toledo is below that rate, according to the Brookings Institution.
How universities are braving the choppy waters of CBE
eCampus News, Dec. 8, 2015
As older, working students become the face of higher education, universities are venturing into the world of competency-based education—but the technical challenges are significant.
Northeast Ohio universities take on challenge to raise graduation rates
Crain’s Cleveland Business, Dec. 6, 2015
The numbers vary, but the goals are the same — Northeast Ohio’s colleges are taking steps to increase the number of students leaving their campuses with degrees in hand…
Behind the scenes: how technology turns consumer data into actionable insights
MIT Technology News, Dec. 8, 2015
You’re constantly leaving an electronic trail, and you’re not alone. We’re all constantly sharing billions of pieces of data about our shopping habits, where we like to eat, and places we visit often, as well as the messages, pictures, and video we post on social media…