Denver taps Ohio firm for high-tech way to track street defects
Denver Business Journal, Oct. 10, 2015
CDO Technologies Inc., an Ohio company, will help Denver's public works department keep better tabs on street cuts by utility crews…
Magic Johnson raises $95,000 for Tri-C scholarships in impromptu auction
Cleveland, Oct. 8, 2015
Earvin "Magic" Johnson raised $95,000 for Cuyahoga Community College scholarships in less than 10 minutes Thursday, in an impromptu auction at the college’s annual Presidential Scholarship Luncheon…
Pair of Ohio University grad students push heart rate technology for youth sports
The Post, Sept. 29, 2015
Marc-André Maillet and Dave Nuzzolo are the founders of Pulse, a consultancy-like project that uses wearable technology to educate youth athletes about their bodies and improve the efficacy of athletes’ workouts and practices…
Harvard launches User Research Center
The Library Journal, Oct. 8, 2015
In August, Harvard Library opened its User Research Center (URC), where library staff can discuss, design, and implement in-person and device-based user experience research…
Perth supercomputer powers world hunger fight to eradicate devastating whitefly from Africa
ABC, Oct. 12, 2015
A Perth team is using the most powerful research supercomputer in the southern hemisphere to fight world hunger…