Is Education Investment the Latest Bubble About to Burst? (World Crunch): After global investors have experienced the Internet bubble in 2001 and the real estate and credit bubbles in 2008, many wonder whether the next “bursting bubble” will be that related to education, as governments face troubled economies and are steering their attention in other directions to solve these problems.
The Ohio State University Partners with Microlin Bio Inc. to Bring the University’s Transformational Cancer Discoveries to Patients (OSU News Room): The Ohio State University has partnered with Microlin Bio Inc., to license a large portfolio of OSU’s cancer discoveries. The portfolio includes nearly 100 issued and pending microRNA patents and could lead to more effective ways to diagnose various types of cancer.
Supercomputing Targets Cleaner Combustion (HPC Wire): A team of scientists and mathematicians at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory are finding ways to use supercomputers together with sophisticated algorithms to create cleaner combustion technologies.
Locked Out of the Library (Inside Higher Ed): Following the federal government shutdown, research nationwide is interrupted as federal libraries and databases are shut down for yet another day with no clear path to a resolution.
Software developer sets up shop in Dublin (Columbus Dispatch): Persistent Systems, an international software and tech-services company, plans to hire 56 employees at the Dublin location and quickly expand to 100 employees. The company focuses on big-data analytics and is seeking to expand their existing business relationships.