Will the Common Core Backlash Return in 2014? (Governing): While states work to implement new required education standards by this fall, widespread opposition to the Common Core could undermine the process.
Ford to Unveil Hybrid Car Powered by the Sun (Industry Week): Ford’s new solar powered vehicle is said to reduce the annual greenhouse gas emissions a typical car owner would produce by four metric tons. The C-MAX Solar Energi concept car draws power from a special solar concentrator lens similar to a magnifying glass.
Women Not Part of US Manufacturing Turnaround (International Business Times): The US manufacturing industry has added 554,000 jobs to the workforce over the past three years. As the workforce increases, a study shows men have gained 565.000 jobs in the sector while women have lost 11,000, lowering the female representation in the sector to 27 percent.
Badging from Within (Inside Higher Ed): A groundbreaking digital badging project at UC Davis has been launched, though the innovation appears to be more competency-based education than a form of alternative credentials.
Illinois library contest aimed at changing e-book policies (Chicago Tribune): Public libraries in Illinois are seeking a way to replicate the success of Oprah Winfrey by turning unknown writers into best-selling authors through her book club. The project will come through library promotional events and through the efforts of e-books, calling for libraries to pay more than other consumers.