Only Minor Bugs Revealed In Common Core Field Test (StateImpact) – Ohio has just finished up trail runs of its new Common Core based English and math tests and administrators are pleased with the results. While there were some minor glitches, there were no major systematic issues with the computer based tests. This is an encouraging sign that next year’s full scale testing will run smoothly.
Libraries Seek High-Speed Broadband (The New York Times) –The IMLS is calling for greater funding from the E-Rate program to improve internet connections at libraries across the country to help provide better access to computers and the internet for the thousands of people who rely on their public library to access these resources.
Ohio makes $18M available for small-business lending (Columbus Business First) – Thanks to the U.S. Treasury Dept.’s Small Business Credit initiative Ohio will be able to disperse $18 million in loans to small businesses and manufacturers to help them grow and add new jobs.
New study suggests ebooks could negatively affect how we comprehend what we read (USA Today) – A new study has found that students who read from e-books have more trouble recalling what they have read than those who used a paper book. However, the author points out that the results are not conclusive, but that it is important that we recognize that there may be major differences between how people read and retain information from a physical book and an e-book.
Indiana panel approves new school standards (Education Week) – Weeks after Indiana dropped the Common Core Standards the state’s legislature has passed a new set of education standards that will guide the state’s new curriculum. The new standards are based on the Common Core and previous Indiana benchmarks.