States Make Progress on Data Systems, Advocacy Group Reports (Education Week): Advocacy group, Data Quality Campaign, urges the effort to build more coherent statewide educational data systems with their new annual report., HP Partner for Private Cloud ‘Superpods’ (Information Week): Salesforce has announced a plan to offer private ‘superpods’ to its customers, partnering with HP to take the lead in cloud based services to companies around the world.
Scientists ‘Burst’ Supercomputing Record with Bubble Collapse Simulation (Scientific Computing): The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California sets a new record in supercomputing, using the largest fluid dynamics simulation ever to offer insight into real-world applications to improve high pressure fuel injectors and cancer treatment.
Will States Reciprocate? (Inside Higher Ed): An investigation of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements on whether savings and the spirit of cooperation will persuade states to hand over their ability to evaluate distance education providers.
House Committee Holds Hearing on Draft COMPETES Legislation (The AIP Bulletin of Science Policy News): A review on a meeting The Research and Technology Subcommittee of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee held to discuss research activities at the NSF, NIST, and OSTP to discuss transparency in grant review, technology transfer, open access, and federal investments in STEM education.