Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal to Sue Ed. Dept., Sec. Duncan Over Common Core (Education Week) – The Governor of Louisiana has announced that he will be filing a lawsuit against the Dept. of Edcuation and Secretary Arne Duncan for misuse of federal programs to coerce states to adopt the Common Core standards.
Students' Help-Seeking Strategies Offer Clues for Educators (Education Week) – New research is showing just how complex the issue of asking for help can be, and the many differences between students in online courses and in person courses.
Supercomputing Makes for Smarter Chinese Cities (HPC Wire) – The Chinese government is planning to use one of its fastest supercomputers to help improve urban planning at all levels to improve efficiency and reduce pollution.
Local universities establish overseas relationships (Cleveland.com) – Cleveland State and Case Western Reserve have both announced new partnerships with foreign universities to provide their students with unique collaboration opportunities.
Postal Service envisions Internet of packages and things (GCN) – The USPS is planning to utilize the internet of things to help track and move packages more efficiently by using sensors attached to packages and in trucks and post offices.