Intel to spend $6B to upgrade Israel Manufacturing Plant
C|net, 9/22/2014
Israel to grant Intel $300 million in total over 5 years to allow the company to pay lower-than-normal corporate tax rate to upgrade manufacturing plant…
Debating Technology’s Future
The New York Times
Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal, and David Graeber, anthropologist, debate the future of technology…
Texas District Tests New R&D Model with Novice Teachers
Education Week, 9/17/2014
Reasearchers in an Austin, Texas district look to solve school-level problems by condensing research-to-practice time…
University of Dayton Receives $12.5 Million for Environmental Institute
The Columbus Dispatch, 9/22/2014
The University of Dayton receives a $12.5 million gift aimed to make it a national leader in sustainability education…
ViaSat Eyes Urban Customers, Touts Aviation Broadband Service
Space News, 9/19/2014
Satellite consumer broadband service provider, ViaSat Inc., looks at expanding its service to the urban markets through satellites
UQ Buys Supercomputer for Computational Research
ZDNet, 9/22/2014
The University of Queensland to complete a supercomputer by November to support research in computational modeling of physical, pharmaceutical, and biological systems…