Senate Republicans block student loan bill (Education Week): Last week a new bill was proposed in the Senate that would have allowed for the refinancing of millions of student loans. However the Senate has voted to not move the bill forward for debate.
La. Gov. Bobby Jindal Declares State Dumping Common Core, PARCC Tests (Education Week): Louisiana’s Governor Robert Jindal has issued an executive order calling for the state to adopt new curriculum standards and tests. Whether this action will be allowed by the courts remains to be seen.
San Diego Supercomputer Center “Seeds” HPC Clouds (HPC Wire): Two years after receiving a grant from the NSF the San Diego Supercomputer Center has developed a new tool to allow researchers to share files and visualizations quickly and securely across a variety of platforms.
Betting Big on Personalized Learning (Education Week): This article follows one school districts road to implementing new personalized learning programs such as 1 to 1 student-laptops. Learning from the mistakes of others they have moved slowly with implementation and invested in training staff on the new technologies.
IDC Announces First In-Depth Forecasts for Worldwide HPC Big Data Market (Scientific Computing): A recent forecast from the International Data Corporation projects that high performance data analysis will grow 23.5% annually to reach $2.7 billion by 2018. Many companies are already turning to HPC systems to help save money in their data analysis.