New degree program is big test for MOOC-style higher ed (PBS Newshour) – Georgia Tech’s online master’s of computer science program is drawing a lot of attention for its use of MOOC concepts to help reach more students than the traditional program could possibly have done.
How important are humans to self-driving cars? California regulators will decide (Sacramento Bee) – New rules from the California DMV will require companies developing autonomous cars to include manual override systems to provide safety in case the autonomous controls fail.
Online Learning Industry Poised for $107 Billion In 2015 (Forbes) – New research from Global Industry Analytics is projecting that the e-learning industry is likely to reach $107 billion in value by the end of 2015, in part thanks to strong investment in start-ups in the field.
L.A. Unified halts contract for iPads (L.A. Times) – Amid growing scrutiny for an apparently shady bidding process, L.A. schools has decided to suspend its contract to purchase iPads for every student in the district.
D.C. adds a social worker to library system to work with homeless patrons (The Washington Post) – In order to provide support to their homeless patrons Washington D.C.’s library system has hired a full time social worker to train library workers how to handle and help the homeless that visit their libraries.