Fall Internet2 Conference

Sunday, September 30, 2012 - 12:00pm to Thursday, October 4, 2012 - 9:00pm

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


The Fall 2012 Internet2 Member Meeting will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 30–October 4, 2012. The theme for this fall's meeting builds upon concepts introduced at the Spring 2012 Member Meeting:

Community – Understanding and embracing our community's ability to innovate and transform research, education and economies

Innovation – A deeply programmable, bandwidth-abundant innovation platform creating an environment for next-generation service delivery

Transformation – Community-developed services and applications that transform global research and education

Internet2 Member Meetings bring the member community together for interactive discussions about new and ongoing work and provide a venue for making connections and forming new collaborations. Working meetings held in conjunction with the Member Meeting provide valuable forums for working groups, special interest groups and birds-of-a-feather groups to meet face-to-face.

Register by 11:59 EDT August 1st to take advantage of the lowest rates. Looking forward to seeing you this fall!