Every day at the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC), product designers and simulation engineers utilize the amazing high performance computing (HPC) resources available through the AweSim program.

An account at OSC gives companies 24/7 access to HPC systems that power innovation with ultrafast parallel processing capabilities and a variety of open-source and commercial software solvers. But the AweSim industrial outreach initiative is more than just a gateway to use OSC’s incredible computational hardware assets. It can also be an opportunity to engage with the engineering service providers (ESPs) that serve as AweSim collaborators and offer their considerable expertise in modeling and simulation (M&S) to AweSim.
A perfect example of this beneficial relationship to which small- to medium-sized businesses can relate comes from Kinetic Vision, a long-time AweSim collaborator. Kinetic Vision and AweSim helped Clippard Instrument Laboratory perform modeling and simulation that revealed a defect in their manufacturing process. This revelation led to a solution resulting in significant savings in time and money for Clippard.
The ESPs’ teams of dedicated professionals with years of experience in a variety of computer-aided engineering (CAE) disciplines. ESPs work as consultants with AweSim clients to help them focus M&S efforts and successfully complete projects. Their knowledge of specific CAE subjects and software reduces the learning curve for those new to M&S, assists engineers working on a problem the ESP may already have seen (and solved!), and can deliver a complete simulation project to meet a deadline.
Best of all, utilizing software and/or using experts’ knowledge allows companies to work faster, supercharging their CAE efforts without straining their own in-house engineering resources. You won’t get this level of support from any other HPC cloud-computing service provider!
ESP staff members who are part of AweSim have M&S expertise in a wide range of engineering disciplines and CAE software programs. They work in the fields of computational fluid dynamics, multiphysics, structural design and testing, data analytics and business automation, custom PLM, manufacturing and assembly, and fabrication and welding. Some engineering challenges are more complex than others, and AweSim may involve multiple ESPs in designing a customized solution for a manufacturing problem or design issue. Clients can access all of this engineering knowledge, plus the vast HPC resources of OSC, through their interaction with AweSim.
So how do manufacturers consult with our AweSim ESPs? It all starts with a phone call, e-mail or a meeting with an AweSim representative. When a company comes to us with a product design, simulation, data management issue or a software challenge, we want to do everything we can to find out how we can help. If a non-disclosure agreement is appropriate we will put one in place prior to any exchange of information. Next, the M&S or data-analytics challenge is discussed via a “no obligation” web or phone conference. These exchanges let all the parties involved develop a better understanding of the scope of any project and how to put together a successful plan for working together going forward. Should the company and the ESP have a mutual interest in working together, we’ll put a contract in place and get started.
Are you ready to talk to an AweSim ESP? Are you curious to learn more about the M&S services and the HPC in the cloud advantages available to your company through AweSim? Contact me at ceyster@awesim.org or at 614-688-0971. And learn more about OSC, AweSim, and our engineering service provider companies at: